miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

No es tan buena la leche en las cabras alimentadas con trasngénicos

NUEVO ESTUDIO: Las cabras alimentadas con soja transgénica (resistente a Roundup Ready de Monsanto) producen leche anormal. Leche de cabra alimentadas GM (semillas Genéticamente Modificadas) ha reducido significativamente anticuerpos, contenido de grasa y proteína y también contenían ADN transgénico....
...La descendencia de madres alimentadas de manera tradicional y la de las madres alimentadas con GM pesan lo mismo al momento del nacimiento, pero las crías de las madres alimentadas con GM pesan significativamente menos 30 días después del nacimiento. Este estudio proporciona una prueba más de que la soja GM no es sustancialmente equivalente a la soja no modificada genéticamente, con impactos negativos claros.
NEW STUDY: Goats fed Monsanto Roundup Ready soy produce abnormal milk. GM-fed goats milk has significantly reduced antibody, fat and protein content and also contained transgenic DNA. Colostrum, the nutrient-rich first milk of nursing mothers, is ordinarily packed with proteins, vitamins as well as antibodies to protect the new-born against disease. Offspring from conventional and GM-fed mothers weigh the same at birth but those from GM-fed mothers weigh significantly less 30 days after birth. This study provides further evidence that GMO soy is not substantially equivalent to NON-GMO soy, with clear negative impacts. "The US has by far the highest level of neonatal mortality in industrialized nations. Many factors likely underlie this statistic but it is clear that the integrity of the first meals of a baby’s life has far-reaching and long-term effects and must be protected against pollution with pesticides and GM foods." BOYCOTT. LABEL. BAN GMOs.

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